Aaaahhh, those first few rains after the heat of summer.... Utterly delicious.

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It seems to be the rain droplets, which capture my attention. The droplets seem to converse with the plant being nourished to create a beautiful moisturizer-effect I love how you create the character of the droplets, perfectly: "Let me just hang with you, dear plant, for a little bit longer, so you, too, can appear youthful!" The forest is alive and waking up through your eyes, Whitney. Thank you!

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Aug 29Liked by Whitney Barkman

Nice flow between words and photos which tells us the change of the season begins. Yes, I noticed the subtle color change in my neighborhood too. I am not good at writing what you wrote. Thank you for the nice flow.

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Thank you so much Nancy. ♡

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Wet and wonderful, such happy flora. I especially love the images of delicate leaves in the latter portion of the post. All very refreshing!

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Thank you so much! ♡♡♡

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Aug 26Liked by Whitney Barkman

I love this. The time between end of summer and start of autumn is such a beautiful and interesting time

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It really is, one of my favourites. ♡

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Aug 26Liked by Whitney Barkman

Thank you for your reminders that our earth is a beautiful place 💕

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I'm happy to share such things! ♡♡♡

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Aug 25Liked by Whitney Barkman

These photos are stunning

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Thank you! ♡

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Aug 25Liked by Whitney Barkman

The water droplets suspended in time, the seeping away of chlorophyll from leaves, you have captured the magic of this transitional time.

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Thank you so much Jo. ♡♡♡

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You must live somewhere near me. We've just come through three days of good, soaking rain. It has washed the smoke from all of the wildfires out of the air, and the world looks fresh and clean again. I haven't checked the wildfire reports, but I presume that they are seriously tamped down from what they were.

The Forest Service has not yet lifted their campfire ban.

I suppose it's time to go in the woods and start looking for Chanterelles.

I've been holed up here at home for a month or more, just processing old photos and writing my Substack. Time to get out there again before the snow starts falling.

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Ah, yes, we must have gotten the same storm as it moved through. Our wildfire reports are looking so much better now after several days of good rain. ♡♡

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Whitney, have you ever considered pairing your photos and text in a book?

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It's an idea that's been bouncing around in my brain for quite a while now, but I still haven't come to any firm thoughts about a project like that. It's intriguing, for sure. ♡♡♡

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Beautiful photos Whitney! I am not quite ready for Fall!

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Thank you Pamela! I hope you get to enjoy summer for a little longer. ♡♡♡

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You’re welcome Whitney. I hope so too. Part of me is welcoming cooler temps for walking. I’m sure we’ll still have some warm days ahead though!

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Aug 25Liked by Whitney Barkman

For those of us in parts of the country that are still battling high temperatures and who are longing for any sign of fall and cooler/wetter weather, this post reminds us that, yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel! How I envy your forest!!!

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I feel for you and anyone else still suffering from the heat and drought of summer - I hope you get some relief soon! ♡

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