Sep 24Liked by Whitney Barkman

There's something that speaks from the gray (not grave 😅) as in spooky but magical. It's so very interesting having moved from the forest in the Pacific Northwest to the Nevada desert, we don't experience gray days. There is something that speaks the language of quiet, cozy, and nestled in the gray-colored scenery. Thank you, Whitney, for giving me this gift of this beautiful presence!

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"There is something that speaks the language of quiet, cozy, and nestled in the gray-colored scenery." Yes, I love that Tami, it's the perfect vibe as we near the end of September. ♡♡♡

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Gorgeous wander today, the cloud blankets had such presence (with the cherry on top — for me — being those cute mushrooms at the end)!

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Thank you! The mushrooms are such fun, and so cute, to capture. ♡

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Sep 23Liked by Whitney Barkman

Such special pictures, as always. I love the leaves with the rust spots, beauty in imperfection.

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Thank you so much Carri. ♡♡

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Sep 23Liked by Whitney Barkman

Whitney, I particularly love the pictures of the mushrooms and the red leaf close-up photos, which look like possibly sumac or something like that. The mist and fog on the mountains to me, has become one of the most beautiful things in nature, I actually call it the “mysterious mist”, because I feel like it’s the breath of the mountain, filled with its own whispered conversation, and I feel like it represents that liminal space between our world and another world. Thank you so much for your beautiful photography and writing.

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I love how you described that feeling about the mist and fog, it resonates exactly with how I feel about it. Thank you so much Maggie. ♡♡♡

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Nice, Love the fungi.

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Thanks! ♡

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Sep 22Liked by Whitney Barkman

So gorgeous and evocative…happy equinox lovely 🧡🍂

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Thank you so much Cat. ♡

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Sep 22Liked by Whitney Barkman

Happy equinox to you too Whitney. Love those opening scenes!! And of course your wonderful close-ups of the first days of fall. Thank you

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Thank you Sandy! ♡♡

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They changed the voice over. It's not the same any more. But love your post. Mushrooms are wonderful creatures

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Oh, no! That's unfortunate. Glad you still enjoyed the post. ♡♡♡

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