Hello and Welcome

I will keep this short and sweet. Here are the important bits—

I am a very quiet, deeply introverted soul.

I am a forest wanderer.

And I find great joy in capturing the quiet moments in nature, weaving my photographs together with words, and sharing the results with you; in an attempt to bring you into the woods to experience the quiet moments alongside me.

All my work is captured around my home, in beautiful British Columbia, Canada.

Thank you for stopping by, hopefully, you’ll stay a while. ♡

Available Subscriptions—

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Paid — Receives new photo journals, as well as video journal posts. Also, has access to the full archive of my work (anything older than 8 weeks).

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Immersive nature photography and storytelling from a forest wandering quiet soul.


Forest wanderer, quiet seeker, and highly sensitive introvert. Photographer and writer based in British Columbia Canada.